SunTai YOO
my garden
Acrylic on Canvas
SunTai YOO
my garden
Acrylic on Canvas
Ha Haeng-eun travels through time constantly exploring himselfand the world. It creates tension on the screen by freely moving between the past and the future, life anddeath, nature and artificial things. Often she borrows art history in a humorous, self-understanding, andreflective way from a person, background or prop. She uses symbols to move curiosity and imagination of lifeand art into paintings. The figure in the middle of her painting resembles the face of a newborn baby or a dyingperson. This reality, which was born to her and should one day die, is not something to avoid but a reality to bewilling to accept. She wants to face it head-on, experience it and express it. For her, everything is a mysteryand it is her way of life to cultivate a rich spirit by expressing reality through art. She is interested in being seenas an extreme enemy. And at the same time she’s thinking about them, leaving them and traveling.